Monday, April 29, 2013

One more thing I forgot to mention...

Today in class we asked the question "Does the mother working cause her to have fewer children or does having fewer children cause the mother to work?" (...or something along those lines) and I thought this question had some application to my whole "6 of 9" deal.
At first I was thinking, "Well, a mother wouldn't need to go to work if she had fewer children to provide for..." but then I double guessed myself.
Because, you see, my mom had 9 kids, and never worked. My best friend's mom had 10 kids and she never worked. And thinking on both of these amazing, strong women, I realized that perhaps the number of children could, indeed, influence the decision to work. A woman with less children would be done raising them sooner, for sure, and could then go to work as a source of fulfillment once they had all moved out while a woman with more kids would spend more of their life caring for children (like, my mom's in her mid-50s and still has a 10-year-old in the house). But also, I think that women who have lots of children do so because they are dedicated to them. They see bringing children into this world as their first priority. Because of that, they are less likely to go to work and more likely to spend more time raising their many children.
Not saying that if you are a working mother means that you don't love your children, or that the number of children you have is correlated to the amount of love you feel for them, just that the number of children one has CAN influence the decision to go to work.
Just another thought I had.

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