Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why Does the Guy Have to Pay?

This week I learned something fascinating, something that goes against almost every date I've ever been on. Want to know what it is? Of course you do, don't lie :)
This week we started out talking about dating. We brought up the purpose of dating, which is so become self-aware and to socialize. But it is ALSO to help couples prepare for their roles as mothers and fathers as outlined in the Family: a Proclamation to World.

Let me explain:

The definition of a date is the 3 P's 
1. Planned
2. Paired Off
3. Paid for

The responsibilities of a father are also 3 P's
1. Preside
2. Protect
3. Provide

Do you see the similarities? The three P's of dating match up with the 3 P's of fatherhood. Therefore, when a guy plans a date, goes with a specific girl, and pays for it, he is practicing the duties he will have as a husband and father.

Now where does a girl's role fit in? Because I know I've planned A LOT of dates over my dating career, and I've heard, too, that if a girl plans a date, that she should pay for it. So is that a bad idea., then?
The answer is yes. It is a bad idea. If you, like me, take that responsibility away from the young men you date (or a let a young woman take it from you), you are robbing him (yourself), of the opportunity to assume these important roles.
A girl's role in all this is that of a nurturer. After all, that's what is outlined in the Proclamation for her. Of course that doesn't mean sitting quietly and never having an opinion or idea when it comes to what you want to do for a date. What it means is nurturing and encouraging the young man to fulfill his duty. You can still have input for, but not control of the date.

Getting in the habit of taking over the planning of a date leads to the practice of the wife presiding over the family. This is not the structure Heavenly Father for marriages, nor for dating.

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